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all is the same | opposites coexist | Showing 9 examples. Read an article about the twosome. | ~ year |
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Gaia | the deathless gods of Olympus | Hesiod's Theogony sings of the wide-bosomed Gaia (Earth), the ever-sure foundations of all the deathless ones who hold the peaks of snowy Olympus #69 ![]() |
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primordial matter | universe | The Greek philosopher Anaximander taught that the universe originated from the infinite, the unlimited, the apeiron, a primal chaos, through the separation of opposites - hot and cold, wet and dry - distinguishing the four elements. The infinite is indestructible, and from it all things come and all things return. Wikipedia: Anaximander #74 ![]() |
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A implies A | not A implies A | Greek mathematician Euclid applied proof by contradiction in proving Euclid's theorem that there are infinitely many prime numbers. In proving statement A, one supposes not A, then show this implies A. There is also the assumption that A implies A. Taken together, A or not A implies A. Wikipedia: Proof by contradiction #137 ![]() |
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real content | ideal content | Austrian-German philosopher Edmund Husserl distinguished for an intentional act, an act of consciousness, such as judging, perceiving, loving, hating, accepting, rejecting: • noesis - real content, which gives it a particular sense or character, which is actually part of what takes place in the consciousness of the subject. • noema - ideal content, the ideal meaning of the act, which may be complex. Wikipedia: Phenomenology (philosophy): Noesis and noema Ideas: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology #587 ![]() |
1913 | |
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not dividing people into two classes | dividing people into two classes | American humorist Robert Benchley quipped, in an "extremely literary review" of The New York City Telephone Directory. There may be said to be two classes of people in the world; those who constantly divide the people of the world into two classes, and those who do not. Both classes are extremely unpleasant to meet socially, leaving practically no one in the world whom one cares very much to know. Quote Investigator #624 ![]() |
1920 |
Fermi–Dirac statistics | Bose-Einstein statistics | In physics, there are two fundamental types of quantum statistics for noninteracting, identical particles. • bosons obey Bose-Einstein statistics, where the particles may be in the same physical state, as with photons in a laser. They commute and have integer spin. Bosons carry forces. • fermions obey Fermi-Dirac statistics, where the particles must all be in different physical states, as with electrons in a field. They anticommute and have half-integer spin. Fermions constitute matter. Wikipedia: Bose-Einstein statistics Wikipedia: Fermi-Dirac statistics #132 ![]() |
1926 | |
environment | system | Active inference uses Markov blankets to disambiguate • system - an adaptive system, such as a living organism, which exerts active control over its states to keep them within acceptable ranges, thus is capable of being surprised • environment - that which a system can be surprised about, which manifests environmental dynamics Thomas Parr, Giovanni Pezzulo, Karl Friston. Active Inference: The Free Energy Principle in Mind, Brain and Behavior 3.2 Markov Blankets #60 ![]() |
2006 | |
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low road | high road | In the active inference community, pedagogically, there are two roads to active inference. • The low road develops active inference as a process theory, a biologically plausible mechanistic explanation how a neural system, a Bayesian brain, infers and represents, optimally and approximately, probable causes of whatever it senses. • The high road motivates active inference as a normative solution for the problem of a living system to persist and act adaptively in a changing environment. Minimizing free energy is what living organisms must do, and minimizing surprise is why they do it. Thomas Parr, Giovanni Pezzulo, Karl Friston. Active Inference: The Free Energy Principle in Mind, Brain and Behavior, 1.4.1 Part 1: Active Inference in Theory #64 ![]() |
2022 |
external situation | attitude | Philosopher Lucy Weir in Ireland highlights self-reflection in addressing the ecological emergency. The effort of becoming aware of what is going on, in and around us, while it is going on, changes not the external situation, but our own approach to the situation, but it is through shifting our own attitude that our interactions and impact shift. Lucy Weir. Beginning with the Good of Systems, Philosophy as Practice in the Ecological Emergency. #360 ![]() |
2023 |
222 catalogued examples and 554 uncatalogued examples waiting in the queue! |
See the pipeline for three minds, nullsome, onesome, twosome, threesome, foursome, fivesome, sixsome, sevensome, conceptions, needs, doubts, expectations, values |
Theory Translator is curated by AJK=Andrius Kulikauskas. Contact him by gmail: math4wisdom |
Thank you to our contributors for suggesting entries! DAF=Daniel Ari Friedman, LB=Leland Beaumont, MP=Marcus Petz, WP=William Pahl |