Theory Translator is powered by Wondrous Wisdom and curated by Andrius Kulikauskas.
View all records  Illustrating 9 conceptual structures with 376 examples.   Add an example!

Think structurally! Select a conceptual structure below to investigate:
Three minds acting on the nullsome, onesome, twosome, threesome, foursome, fivesome, sixsome, sevensome.

Pipeline: threesome

Showing 44 examples. Read an article about the Pipeline: threesome.~ year define, measure, analyze, improve and control (and see links) plan–do–check–adjust (and see links)   #259
Incompleteness: Godel   #264
U.S. After Action Review
MarilynDarling: [[ | October 17, 2001]] If you want to understand what makes the Army's method work, study the way it is employed at the National Training Center in the context of a month-long rotation where units iterate through a series of plan-act-reflect-plan cycles, against their "Battlefield Operating Systems," which creates a lexicon for their learning process.
An overview which stresses the practical nature but treats observation and reflection as two different steps, which muddles them:
An online introduction that focuses on the reflection:
Military perspectives: toolbox/after_action_review/aar.pdf
Threesome: Three Vajras
The trinity of body, speech, and mind are known as the three gates, three receptacles or three vajras, and correspond to the western religious concept of righteous thought (mind), word (speech), and deed (body).
Wikipedia: Trikaya#270
Benjamin Libet and colleagues showed in 1983 that the subjective experience of conscious intention followed the readiness potential (a key neural marker preceding voluntary action), rather than preceding it, as an intuitive dualism might imagine.
Patrick Haggard. An intellectual history of the “Libet experiment”: embedding the neuroscience of free will.#1061
Margaret Thatcher
“It used to be about trying to do something. Now it's about trying to be someone.”   #1066
planning, action, fact finding
Wikipedia: Learning Cycle#331
Cousin strongly insisted on the importance of method in philosophy. That which he adopts is the ordinary one of observation, analysis and induction. This observational method Cousin regards as that of the 18th century, the method which Descartes began and abandoned, and which Locke and Condillac applied, though imperfectly, and which Thomas Reid and Kant used with more success. He insists that this is the true method of philosophy as applied to consciousness, in which alone the facts of experience appear. But the proper condition of the application of the method is that it shall not, through prejudice of system, omit a single fact of consciousness. If the authority of consciousness is good in one instance, it is good in all. If not to be trusted in one, it is not to be trusted in any. Previous systems have erred in not presenting the facts of consciousness.
Wikipedia: Victor Cousin#850
Wikimedia Meta-wiki. Evaluate, Iterate, Adapt.#357
Parallel transport on a triangle on a surface indicates curvature, functions like a three-cycle.
&emspIn 1869, Christoffel discovered that the components of the intrinsic derivative of a vector field, upon changing the coordinate system, transform as the components of a contravariant vector. This discovery was the real beginning of tensor analysis.
 In differential geometry, parallel transport (or parallel translation[a]) is a way of transporting geometrical data along smooth curves in a manifold. If the manifold is equipped with an affine connection (a covariant derivative or connection on the tangent bundle), then this connection allows one to transport vectors of the manifold along curves so that they stay parallel with respect to the connection. The parallel transport for a connection thus supplies a way of, in some sense, moving the local geometry of a manifold along a curve: that is, of connecting the geometries of nearby points. There may be many notions of parallel transport available, but a specification of one way of connecting up the geometries of points on a curve is tantamount to providing a connection. In fact, the usual notion of connection is the infinitesimal analog of parallel transport. Or, vice versa, parallel transport is the local realization of a connection.

In Riemannian or pseudo-Riemannian geometry (in particular the Lorentzian geometry of general relativity), the Levi-Civita connection is the unique affine connection on the tangent bundle of a manifold that preserves the (pseudo-)Riemannian metric and is torsion-free. The fundamental theorem of Riemannian geometry states that there is a unique connection that satisfies these properties.
Wikipedia: Parallel transport

Wikipedia: Fundamental theorem of Riemannian geometry#1138
Vector bundles via clutching/transition data. The cocycle condition is a three-cycle.
Somnath Basu. Bundles over 2-sphere and Bott periodicity.#1156
Chris Argyris
Single-loop learning and double-loop learning.
mental model, decision-making rules, decision, real world, information feedback
Wikipedia: Chris Argyris: Work#396
algebraic topology
fiber F, total space E, base space B
Wikipedia: Fiber bundle#408
Mitchel Resnick
  • Test randomly (send out roots in all directions)
  • Evaluate (determine which roots find the best soil)
  • Elect (choose which direction to move, based on the information from the roots)
Mithcel Resnick. Thinking Like a Tree (and Other Forms of Ecological Thinking)#417
Buddhist Three Jewels: teacher Buddha, teaching Dharma, (taught) community Sangha - external supports for achieving realization   #165
Thoughts (future), behavior (self), feelings (others). Wikipedia: Cognitive behavioral therapy#681
Shanker Self-Reg - Reframe the behaviour, recognize the stressors, reduce the stress, reflect: enhance stress awareness, and restore energy. 5 Domains represented by two cartoon people holding hands - biological, emotion, cognitive, social and prosocial   #964
Poster of burdened Internal System: exile - firefighter - manager.   #749
US Parks Online. S.T.O.P. stands for Sit, Think, Observe, and Plan.#1012
S: Stop: Stop. Take a brief pause.
  T: Take a Breath: Take a deliberate and mindful breath, focusing on inhalation and exhalation.
  O: Observe: Acknowledge your thoughts, feelings, and the environment without judgment.
  P: Proceed Mindfully: Proceed with intentionality, choosing a response consciously.

Mindfulness STOP Skill#1013
(Assess) Plan Do Review (Review=Assess)
PGL. What does ‘Plan-Do-Review’ really mean?
Terri Cawser. Assess, Plan, Do, Review – A Quick Introduction
Flik. Coaching Fundamentals: Plan, Do, Review by Brummie
Three paths of salvation in the Gita
Jnana - thoughts and introspection
Karma - actions and duties
Bhakti - devotion
threesome and the three minds
Observations (arrow: Questions) Model (Hypothesis) (arrow: Answers (?))
Prediction (arrow: Testing/Checking)
The scientific method is crap: Teman Cooke at TEDxLancaster
T.H. Cooke. The Scientific Method Is Crap#252
Three Poisons or Three Fires * The three primary causes of unskillful action that lead to the creation of "negative" karma; the three root kleshas:
* Ydingas nusistatymas: Attachment (Pāli: lobha; Sanskrit: rāga; Tib.: འདོད་ཆགས་ 'dod chags)
* Ydingas vykdymas: Aversion (Pali: doha; Sanskrit: dveṣa; Tib.: ཞེ་སྡང་ zhe sdang; Mn: урин хилэн, urin khilen; 瞋 Cn: chēn; Jp: jin; Vi: sân)
* Ydingas permąstymas: Ignorance (Pāli: moha; Sanskrit: moha; Tib.: གཏི་མུག་ gti mug)   #253
Awareness, Motivation, Action
derives from the Attitude – Social Influence – Self-Efficacy Model, integrates ideas of Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior, Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory, Prochaska's Transtheoretical Model, the Health Belief Model, and Goal setting theories. Previous versions of this model (referred to as the Attitude, Social Norm, Self-Efficacy (ASE) model, derived from the Theory of Planned Behavior) have been used to explain a variety of types of health behavior.
Wikipedia: I-Change Model
De Vries, H., Dijkstra, M. & Kuhlman, P. (1988). Self-efficacy: the third factor besides attitude and subjective norm as a predictor of behavioral intentions. Health Education Research, 3, 273–282.   #255
Wikipedia: Jacobi identity#1000 1862
 Three metamorphoses of the spirit do I designate to you: how the spirit becometh a camel, the camel a lion, and the lion at last a child.
Friedrich Nietzsche. Thus Spake Zarathustra.#1146
Rudolf Steiner
Of central importance is a distinction made between three spheres of society – the political, economic, and cultural. The idea is that when economy, culture, and polity are relatively independent of one another, they check, balance, and correct one another and thus lead to greater social health and progress.
Social threefolding aims to foster:
equality and democracy in political life
freedom in cultural life (art, science, religion, education, the media)
uncoerced cooperation in a freely contractual economic life.
Wikipedia: Social threefolding#1038
Shewhart Cycle. In his second book Statistical Method from the Viewpoint of Quality Control ž, Walter Andrew Shewhart publishes his Scientific Method of Improvement. Page 45 of this book displays the first version of the Shewhart Cycle; a three step cycle constituting a dynamic scientific process of acquiring knowledge. Walter Edwards Deming later popularizes the method as the Plan Do Check Act method (The Deming Cycle).
Joris Meerts, Dorothy Graham. The History of Software Testing.#869
Negative views about oneself, the world, the future. Wikipedia: Beck's cognitive triad#680 1967
Lakatos summarizes this method by the following list of stages:
Primitive conjecture.
Proof (a rough thought-experiment or argument, decomposing the primitive conjecture into subconjectures).
"Global" counterexamples (counterexamples to the primitive conjecture) emerge.
Proof re-examined: the "guilty lemma" to which the global counter-example is a "local" counterexample is spotted. This guilty lemma may have previously remained "hidden" or may have been misidentified.
Now it is made explicit, and built into the primitive conjecture as a condition. The theorem - the improved conjecture - supersedes the primitive conjecture with the new proof-generated concept as its paramount new feature.
He goes on and gives further stages that might sometimes take place:
Proofs of other theorems are examined to see if the newly found lemma or the new proof-generated concept occurs in them: this concept may be found lying at cross-roads of different proofs, and thus emerge as of basic importance.
The hitherto accepted consequences of the original and now refuted conjecture are checked.
Counterexamples are turned into new examples - new fields of inquiry open up.   #1056
American self-help author Stephen Covey proposed the be, do, have model for successfully achieving a desired goal. Ask:
  • Who do I need to be in order to accomplish this goal?
  • What do I need to do in order to accomplish this goal?
  • What do I need to have in order to accomplish this goal?
Dean Hallett. Authority vs Influence: Applying The Be-Do-Have Model.#110
TLC album "CrazySexyCool". Crazy - vykdyti, Sexy - permąstyti, Cool - nusistatyti.
Wikipedia: CrazySexyCool#254
United States Air Force Colonel John Boyd Wikipedia: OODA loop#258 1995
In Three Principles Psychology (TPP), all psychological phenomena—from severe disorders to optimal mental health—are understood as manifestations of three operative "principles"[8] first articulated by Sydney Banks as the basis of human experience and feeling states.:
 Mind - The energy and intelligence that animates all life, both in its physical form and in the formless. The Universal Mind, often referred to as "wisdom" or the "impersonal" mind, is constant and unchanging, acting as the source of innate health and well-being. In contrast, the personal mind is in a continuous state of flux.
 Consciousness - The capacity to be aware of one's life and experiences. Consciousness is the gift of awareness that enables the recognition of form, with form being an expression of Thought.
 Thought - The ability to think, which allows individuals to create their personal experience of reality. Thought is a divine gift, not self-created, that is present from birth. It serves as the creative agent through which individuals navigate and direct their lives.
In the TPP model, "Mind" is often compared to the electricity powering a movie projector, while "Thought" is likened to the images on the film. "Consciousness" is analogous to the light from the projector that casts the images onto the screen, making them appear real.
Wikipedia: Three Principles Pscyhology#804
Angioni, Giulio (2004). "Doing, Thinking, Saying". In Sanga; Ortalli (eds.). Nature Knowledge. New York: Berghahm Books. pp. 249–261.   #632 2004
Peter Sloterdijk - one / all / many
  • bubbles - microspherology - a theory about couplings, how individuals are never alone because they always align themselves with the Other
  • globes - macrospherology - the foundations of philosophy, how the ancient Greeks represented the world as an orb and thereby began globalisation
  • foams - plural spherology - how social bubbles are bound together to constitute a society, arriving at a theology where spatiality is at the centre
Wikipedia: Spheres trilogy#450
Platonic mathematical, physical, mental
Roger Penrose. The Road to Reality.#246
Networks of inspiration, technologies of the future, communities of transformation.Bill Melton. Creating a Flourishing World.#876 2017
 Pearl’s methodology is based on Bayes’ rule and consists of several steps:
 (1) formulate a hypothesis,
 (2) deduce a testable consequence of the hypothesis,
 (3) perform an experiment and collect evidence, and
 (4) update your belief in the hypothesis.

Nicoleta Spînu, Mark T.D. Cronin, Judith C. Madden, Andrew P. Worth. A matter of trust: Learning lessons about causality will make qAOPs credible.#1028
perception, cognition, action
Daniel Friedman. William Blake & Buckminster Fuller (Lives in Juxtaposition)#1092
Brian Rivera AGLX. OODA Loop Explained: Connections: Free Energy Principle, Active Inference, and the Constructal Law#999 2023
The definition of a crowd makes use of a three-cycle. In particular, for a group, abc=1 implies that cab=1 and bca=1. Oliver Lorscheid, Koen Thas. Towards the horizons of Tits's vision -- on band schemes, crowds and F1-structures.#1001 2023
story editing
system computations, meaning assessment, reporting
group dialogue, feedback, story digestion
John C. Boik. CogNarr ecosystem: Facilitating Group Cognition at Scale.#833

222 catalogued examples and 554 uncatalogued examples waiting in the queue!
See the pipeline for three minds, nullsome, onesome, twosome, threesome, foursome, fivesome, sixsome, sevensome, conceptions, needs, doubts, expectations, values
Theory Translator is curated by AJK=Andrius Kulikauskas. Contact him by gmail: math4wisdom
Thank you to our contributors for suggesting entries!   DAF=Daniel Ari Friedman, LB=Leland Beaumont, MP=Marcus Petz, WP=William Pahl