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chaos Hesiod's Theogony, on the origin of the ancient Greek gods, asserts that chaos was the first thing to be. Chaos is the dark, infinite void that precedes Gaia (earth), Tartarus (the hellish underworld) and Eros (love). Chaos gives birth to Erebus (darkness, gloom) and Nyx (night), which are the father and mother of Aether (bright sky) and Hemera (day).   #68 -715
Self (Atman) In one of the earliest Upanishads, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 2.4.2–5, Vedic sage Yajnavalkya explains to his wife Maitreyi:
Lo, verily, not for love of a husband is a husband dear, but for the love of the Self a husband is dear.
Not for the love of the wife is a wife dear, but for love of the Self a wife is dear.
The gods (Devas) are not dear to one out of love for gods, but because one may love the Self (Atman) that the gods are dear.
One should indeed see, hear, understand and meditate over the Self, O Maitreyi; indeed, he who has seen, heard, reflected and understood the Self – by him alone the whole world comes to be known.
Renunciation is a means to the knowledge of Self (Atman) and ultimate reality (Brahman), that they are equivalent. Maitreyi's questioning indicates she is a seeker of ultimate knowledge and a lover of Self.
Wikipedia: Maitreyi#85
water Thales of Miletus, in Ionia, Asia Minor, theorized that all of nature was based on water. He thought the Earth floated on water, the ocean, which gave birth to everything.
Wikipedia: Thales of Miletus#72
the infinite Anaximander, a student of Thales, asserted that the original principle was ἄπειρον (apeiron), the infinite, the boundless. He understood this temporally and spatially. It could give birth to whatever will be. Thus the Earth did not float in an ocean but rather floated in the infinite, as in free space.
Wikipedia: Anaximander#73
Asha (order) In the Gathas, attributed to the Ancient Iranian sage Zoroaster, Asha (Aša) is the cosmic order. Asha is the main spiritual force which comes from Ahura Mazda (Wise Lord). Asha and is the antithesis of chaos, which manifests as druj, falsehood and disorder, and comes from Ahura Mazda's opponent Angra Mainyu.
Wikipedia: Zoroastrianism#96
air Anaximenes of Miletus, a student of Anaximander, believed that air is the arche, the basic element from which the universe is created. Air could change into other forms by becoming more dense (condensation), yielding wind, clouds, water, earth and stone, or less dense (rarefaction), yielding fire. The Earth floated in air, as did the Sun and stars.
Wikipedia: Anaximenes of Miletus#75
fire - energy - change - theory Greek philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus believed that fire (heat or energy) was the arche, the original principle, which constituted the cosmos by manifesting in different degrees, being kindled or being quenched. He thought logos (theory) gave structure to the world. He viewed the world as always becoming, ever in flux, never simply being.
Wikipedia: Heraclitus#76
being Parmenides of Elea, according to Aristotle, thought of everything that is as being a substance or essence, and that all such essence is identical, although there may be distinct entities. Any differences, however, are accidental. There is only one moment in time, there is no fundamental change.
Stanford: Parmenides 3.4 The Aspectual Interpretation Prevailing in Antiquity   #79
the One Melissus of Samos was a student of Parmenides. He thought of being as the One: ungenerated, indestructible, indivisible, changeless, motionless and the same. He argued, with flawed logic, that the One does not have a beginning, for whatever comes to be must have a beginning, and the One did not come to be. Moreover, the One does not have an end, for whatever has a beginning must have an end, but the One does not have a beginning.
Wikipedia: Melissus of Samos#80
the indivisible Zeno of Elea used reductio ad absurdum to defend his teacher's, Parmenides', views that reality is one single indivisible object. Zeno argued against plurality by noting that the process of division implied both finitude and infinitude. He argued against motion and time by noting that distances could always be halved, thus never completed.
Wikipedia: Zeno of Elea#83
intermixture Greek philosopher Anaxagoras believed that the world is an intermixture of imperishable ingredients, which do not change in the absolute sense, but do change in the relative sense. For the cosmic Mind segregates like from unlike, and so the original completely confused chaotic mixture of infinitely small fragments gradually takes on meaningful forms, which have properties based on the preponderance of their ingredients.
Wikipedia: Anaxagoras#89
all statements are true Euthydemus, in Plato's dialogue by the same name, argues that all statements which are spoken are factual, for non factual statements do not exist and thus could not be the objects of speech. Thus falsehood cannot exist.
Wikipedia: Euthydemus (dialogue)#138
world soul (anima mundi) Greek philosopher Plato argued in his dialogue Sophist that all things participate in the form of Being, which must have a psyche (mind and soul). In his dialogues Philebus and Timaeus, he argues that the world is a living being containing all other living beings. The world is endowed with a soul and intelligence (anima mundi).
Wikipedia: Panpsychism#92
all statements are true French logician Guillaume de Soissons developed the principle of explosion. He proved that given a contradiction, any assertion can be inferred as true, including its negation. All statements are true.
Wikipedia: Principle of explosion#136
prima materia German alchemist Martin Ruland the Younger described prima materia in his "Lexicon alchemiae":
...the philosophers have so greatly admired the Creature of God which is called the Primal Matter, especially concerning its efficacy and mystery, that they have given to it many names, and almost every possible description, for they have not known how to sufficiently praise it.
He lists more than 50 synonyms: Microcosmos, The Philosophical Stone, The Eagle Stone, Water of Life, Venom, Poison, Chamber, Spirit, Medicine, Heaven, Clouds, Nebula or Fog, Dew, Shade, Moon, Stella Signata and Lucifer, Permanent Water, Fiery and Burning Water, Salt of Nitre and Saltpetre, Lye, Bride - Spouse - Mother - Eve, Pure and Uncontaminated Virgin, Milk of Virgin - or the Fig, Boiling Milk, Honey, A Spiritual Blood, Bath, A Syrup, Vinegar, Lead, Tin, Sulphur of Nature, Spittle of the Moon, Ore, The Serpent, The Dragon, Marble - Crystal - Glass, Scottish Gem, Urine, Magnesia, Magnet, White Ethesia, White Moisture, White Smoke, Dung, Metallic Entity, Mercury, The Soul and Heaven of the Elements, The Matter of all Forms, Tartar of the Philosophers, Dissolved Refuse, The Rainbow, Indian Gold, Heart of the Sun, Chaos, Venus, Healer, Angel of violet light.
Wikipedia: Prima materia#54
prima materia Theatrum Chemicum, a compendium of alchemical writings, includes a description of prima materia, the primitive formless base for all matter, thus the starting point of alchemy, having all the qualities and properties of elementary things.
They have compared the "prima materia" to everything, to male and female, to the hermaphroditic monster, to heaven and earth, to body and spirit, chaos, microcosm, and the confused mass; it contains in itself all colors and potentially all metals; there is nothing more wonderful in the world, for it begets itself, conceives itself, and gives birth to itself.
Wikipedia: Prima materia#53
love Massachusetts poet Emily Dickinson contemplated
That Love is all there is,
 Is all we know of Love;
 It is enough, the freight should be
 Proportioned to the groove.

Wikisource: That Love is all there is#648
Unconscious German philosopher Eduard von Hartmann, author of Philosophy of the Unconscious, conceived the Unconscious as the absolute all-embracing ground of all existence, including both primal Will and latent Reason.
Wikipedia: Eduard von Hartmann#606
correlation Austrian scientist Josef Loschmidt objected to Ludwig Boltzmann's H-theorem because it supposed that velocities of molecules in a gas were uncorrelated. This supposition had allowed Boltzmann to derive time-asymmetric conclusions (the Second Law of Thermodynamics) from time-symmetric Newtonian dynamics, by which colliding particles were correlated.
Wikipedia: Loschmidt's paradox#513
canonical ensemble Ludwig Boltzmann, developer of statistical mechanics, described the holode, now known as the canonical ensemble, which represents the possible states of a mechanical system in thermal equilibrium with a heat bath at a fixed temperature. The states of the system differ in total energy because the system can exchange energy with the heat bath. The canonical ensemble assigns to each distinct microstate the probability P=e(F-E)/(kT), where E is the total energy of the microstate, F is its Helmholtz free energy, k is the Boltzmann constant and T is absolute temperature.
Wikipedia: Canonical ensemble#510
set of all sets Russell's paradox was published by British philosopher Betrand Russell in 1901. It was also discovered independently by German mathematician Ernst Zermelo. It implies that there cannot be a set of all sets.
Wikipedia: Russell's paradox#133
lifeworld Edmund Husserl, founder of phenomenology, introduced the concept of lifeworld as the consciousness of the universe, individually and collectively, that we share, the ground for all shared human experience, the dynamic background on which all things appear as themselves and meaningful, the horizon in which we live, and which lives with us, and within which all is possible only as being lived.
In whatever way we may be conscious of the world as universal horizon, as coherent universe of existing objects, we, each "I-the-man" and all of us together, belong to the world as living with one another in the world; and the world is our world, valid for our consciousness as existing precisely through this 'living together.' We, as living in wakeful world-consciousness, are constantly active on the basis of our passive having of the world... Obviously this is true not only for me, the individual ego; rather we, in living together, have the world pre-given in this together, belong, the world as world for all, pre-given with this ontic meaning... The we-subjectivity... [is] constantly functioning.
Wikipedia: Lifeworld
Edmund Husserl. The crisis of European sciences and transcendental phenomenology; an introduction to phenomenological philosophy.#844
universe Evolutionary cosmologist Brian Swimme offers a grand view of the cosmos, including meaning, purpose and value.
If you look at the disasters happening on our planet, it's because the cosmos is not understood as sacred ... a way out of our difficulty is a journey into the universe as sacred.
 This is the greatest discovery of the scientific enterprise: You take hydrogen gas, and you leave it alone, and it turns into rosebushes, giraffes, and humans.

Wikipedia: Brian Swimme
Susan Bridle. Comprehensive Compassion: An Interview with Brian Swimme.#898 ❤️KZ
self-evidencing ...everything that we perceive, do, or plan is in the compass of one existential imperative — self-evidencing.
Thomas Parr, Giovanni Pezzulo, Karl Friston. Active Inference: The Free Energy Principle in Mind, Brain and Behavior, Preface   #66
evolutionary matrix Lucy Weir, addressing the ecological emergency, treasures, within the universe, our planet's evolutionary matrix.
There are conditions that are good for other organisms, just as there are conditions that are good for us, because they allow us to maintain the pattern of our existence. This pattern is inevitably temporary for any one individual, and no vortex is permanent, yet the continuance of the pattern forms the matrix within which we have evolved and survive. Our existence takes place within larger systems that self-maintain, and that therefore create and sustain the conditions upon which our own survival, personally, and as a species, depends. If we are the species that threatens to unravel the threads of this matrix of co-existence, it behoves us to at the very least become aware of what we are implicated in.
Lucy Weir. Beginning with the Good of Systems, Philosophy as Practice in the Ecological Emergency.   #361

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Theory Translator is curated by AJK=Andrius Kulikauskas. Contact him by gmail: math4wisdom
Thank you to our contributors for suggesting entries!   DAF=Daniel Ari Friedman, LB=Leland Beaumont, MP=Marcus Petz, WP=William Pahl