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Showing 15 examples. Read an article about the Pipeline: needs. | ~ year |
Erik and Joan Erikson hope, will, purpose, competence, fidelity, love, care, wisdom Erikson's stages of psychosocial development #557 ![]() |
British author Richard Barrett. What My Soul Told Me. Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
Surviving (survival), conforming (relationships, safety, belonging), differentiating (self-esteem), individuating (transformation, freedom, autonomy), self-actualizing (internal cohesion, honesty, creativity), integrating (making a difference, collaboration, empathy), serving (compassion, forgiveness). Barrett Academy for the Advancement of Human Values. Levels of Consciousness. Wikipedia: Richard Barrett (author) #572 ![]() |
Compare the Raudys hierarchy of a single layer perceptron with gradations and other hierarchies of conceptual maturation, such as Wikipedia: Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development Piaget's developmental psychology and Habermas's related theories. #830 ![]() |
Jane Loevinger pre-social, impulsive, self-protective, conformist, self-aware, conscientious, individualistic, autonomous Wikipedia: Loevinger's stages of ego development #394 ![]() |
Robert Kegan incorporative, impulsive, imperial, socialized, life-authoring, self-transforming Wikipedia: Robert Kegan #395 ![]() |
Lawrence Kohlberg obedience and punishment, self-interest, interpersonal accord and conformity, authority and social-order maintaining, social contract, universal ethical Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development #419 ![]() |
primitive communism, ancient, feudal, capitalist, communist
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_materialism #735 ![]() |
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Blackstock represents Cross’ ideas in the circular model below: ... This circular model reveals thinking in line with many First Nations: depending on the situation, the order in which our needs must be met is subject to change. A circular model captures the inter-relatedness of our needs and helps highlight that we can experience needs simultaneously and in changing order.
https://www.madinamerica.com/2022/12/blackfoot-wisdom-inspired-maslow-guide-us-now/ #1008 ![]() |
The Blackfoot model describes the inverse of Maslow’s Hierarchy: Self-actualization. Where Maslow’s hierarchy ends with self-actualization, the Blackfoot model begins here. In their view, we are each born into the world as a spark of divinity, with a great purpose embedded in us. That means that we arrive on earth self-actualized. Belonging. After we’re born, imbued with a divine purpose, the tribe is there to love and care for us. Basic Needs & Safety. While in Maslow’s model, we find love and belonging only after attending to our basic needs and safety, the Blackfoot model describes that our tribe or community is the means through which we are fed, housed, clothed, and protected. The tribe knows how to survive on the land and uses that knowledge and skill to care for us. Community Actualization. In tending to our basic needs and safety, the tribe equips us to manifest our sacred purpose, designing a model of education that supports us in expressing our gifts. Community actualization describes the Blackfoot goal that each member of the tribe manifest their purpose and have their basic needs met. Cultural Perpetuity. Each member of the tribe will one day be gone. So passing on their knowledge of how to achieve community actualization and harmony with the land and other peoples gives rise to an endurance of the Blackfoot way of life, or cultural perpetuity. Could the Blackfoot Wisdom That Inspired Maslow Guide Us Now? #1009 ![]() |
Abraham Maslow physiological, safety, social, esteem, self-actualization Wikipedia: Maslow's hierarchy of needs Abraham Maslow. A Theory of Human Motivation. #449 ![]() |
1943 | |
primal-undifferentiated, intuitive-projective, mythic-literal, synthetic-conventional, individuative-reflective, conjunctive, universalizing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_W._Fowler #734 ![]() |
1981 | |
American psychologist William Damon studied how children aged 3 to 9 shared toys, observing Kohlberg's stages of moral development in terms of behavior. • Level 1 – nothing stops the egocentric tendency. The children want all the toys without feeling the need to justify their preference. The justice criterion is the absolute wish of the self; • Level 2 – the child wants almost all of the toys and justifies his choice in an arbitrary or egocentric manner (e.g., "I should play with them because I have a red dress", "They are mine because I like them!"); • Level 3 – the equality criterion emerges (e.g., "We should all have the same number of toys"); • Level 4 – the merit criterion emerges (e.g., "Johnny should take more because he was such a good boy"); • Level 5 – necessity is seen as the most important selection criterion (e.g., "She should take the most because she was sick", "Give more to Matt because he is poor"); • Level 6 – the dilemmas begin to come up: can justice be achieved, considering only one criterion? The consequence is the combining of criteria: equality + merit, equality + necessity, necessity + merit, equality + necessity + merit. Wikipedia: Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development: William Damon's contribution to Kohlberg's moral theory #701 ![]() |
1985 | |
Subsistence, protection, affection, understanding, participation, idleness, creation, identity, freedom
Wikipedia: Manfred Max-Neef's Fundamental human needs #1084 ![]() |
1986 | |
Don Edward Beck and Christopher Cowan based on Clare W. Graves • Beige — SurvivalSense — Instinctive • Purple — KinSpirits — Clannish • Red — PowerGods — Egocentric • Blue — TruthForce — Purposeful • Orange — StriveDrive — Strategic • Green — HumanBond — Relativistic • Yellow — FlexFlow — Systemic • Turquoise — GlobalView — Holistic Wikipedia: Spiral Dynamics #699 ![]() |
1996 | |
Clare W. Graves, posthumous The Never Ending Quest Autistic, Automatic, Reactive Existence - Express self - as if just another animal according to the dictates of one's imperative periodic physiological needs - reducing the tension of needs is right - A: Imperative, periodic, physiological needs - N: Attuned to processing relevant info, responds only to change in intensity of the imperative need and not to patterning - habituation Animistic, Tribalistic Existence - Sacrifice self - to the traditions of one's elders, one's ancestors - elders, ancestors, and tradition know the right way to be - B: Safety, security, and assurance - O: Attuned to the non-imperative, aperiodic, physiological needs - Pavlovian Egocentric Existence - Express self - and to hell with the consequences, lest one suffer the torment of unbearable shame - my way is the right way - C: Boredom, unchanging elder-dominated life - P: Sense consciousness, and consciousness of self, capacity to experience shame - operant or instrumental Absolutistic, Saintly, Moralistic-Prescriptive Existence - Sacrifice self - now in order to receive reward later - only one right way to think, based on authority - D: Haves vs have-nots, increased consciousness of self and others, awareness of death - Q: Avoidant learning, guilt, defer gratification, control impulses, rationalize - avoidance conditioning Multiplistic, Materialistic Existence - Express self - for what self desires, but in a fashion calculated not to bring down the wrath of others - many ways to think, but only one best way - E: Is this the only life I will ever live and, if so, why can't I have some pleasure in this existence? - R: Dispassionate, objective, hypothetico-deductive, not moralistic-prescriptive thinking - expectancy learning Sociocentric, Personalitic, Sociocratic Existence - Sacrifice self - now in order to get acceptance now, in order for all to get now - many right ways to think, based on peer group acceptance - F: coming to peace with aloneness, with one's inner self and with others - S: truly experiencing the inner, subjective feelings of humankind - operational learning process Systemic, Cognitive, Problematic Existence - Express self - for what self desires, but never at the expense of others and in a manner that all life, not just my life, will profit - my way does not have to be yours, nor yours mine, yet I have very strong convictions about what is my way, but never such about yours - A' (G): Threats to the survival of organismic life: depleting natural resources, overpopulation, excessive individuality - N' (T): N system plus some additional system of cells denoted as Y - teacher's job is to pose problems, help provide ways to see them, but to leave the person to their own conclusion as to what answers to accept Intuitive, Experientialist Existence - Sacrifice self - by adjusting to the realities of one's existence and automatically accept the existential dichotomies as they are and go on living; sacrifice the idea that one will ever know what it is all about and adjust to this as the existential reality of existence - values what they feel they should, not just what knowledge tells them they should; non-interfering perception rather than active controlling perception - B' (H): Realization how much one will never know about existence, that a problem-solving existence is not enough - O' (U): O system plus some additional system of cells denoted as Y - [unspecified / unknown] Wikipedia: Graves's emergent cyclical levels of existence #700 ![]() |
2005 |
222 catalogued examples and 554 uncatalogued examples waiting in the queue! |
See the pipeline for three minds, nullsome, onesome, twosome, threesome, foursome, fivesome, sixsome, sevensome, conceptions, needs, doubts, expectations, values |
Theory Translator is curated by AJK=Andrius Kulikauskas. Contact him by gmail: math4wisdom |
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