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Pipeline: foursome

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We see things in terms of the actions we can take. We can look at them in terms of How. We can thus also think of them in terms of Why they are interesting to us.
James Gibson's affordance#273
Medieval aesthetics in the realm of philosophy built upon Classical thought, continuing the practice of Plotinus by employing theological terminology in its explications. St. Bonaventure's "Retracing the Arts to Theology", a primary example of this method, discusses the skills of the artisan as gifts given by God for the purpose of disclosing God to mankind, which purpose is achieved through four lights:
* the light of skill in mechanical arts which discloses ''the world of artifacts = whether'' * which light is guided by the light of sense perception which discloses ''the world of natural forms = what''
* which light, consequently, is guided by the light of philosophy which discloses ''the world of intellectual truth = how''
* finally, this light is guided by the light of divine wisdom which discloses ''the world of saving truth = why''.
Wikipedia: Aesthetics#274
Statue of Lion: Fazang (643–712)
In his famous Essay on the Golden Lion (Taishō no. 1881), Fazang provides a succinct explanation of a key principle of Huayan thought, that of the ultimate principle or pattern (li 理) and the relative phenomena / events / things (shi 事).[52][38] To do this, he uses the statue of a golden lion as a metaphor. According to van Norden: “The gold of the statue is a metaphor for the unified, underlying Pattern of relationships, while the appearance of the statue as a lion is a metaphor for our illusory perception of things as independent individuals. We must recognize that the only thing that ultimately exists is the Pattern of relationships among momentary events. (There is really only gold; there is no lion.) However, we must also acknowledge that it is useful and appropriate to continue to speak as if there were independent, persistent individuals. (The gold really does appear to be a lion.)”.[38] In Huayan Buddhism, li, the principle or pattern is the ultimate reality (paramārtha-satya) which is experienced by Buddhas. According to van Norden, this principle is a "boundless and ceaseless activity that has a patterned coherence to it". According to Fazang, Li is boundless and ceaseless, while the phenomena (shi) are impermanent, relative and limited.   #279
Knowledge: Spinoza   #290
Universal Validity Claims: Abel and Habermas   #293
Cognitive Perfections: Kant   #296
Ontological Classes: Peirce   #298
Powers: Plato   #300
[[ | Simon O. Sinek]]. Golden Circle: What, How, Why.
Simon Sinek. How great leaders inspire action.
* Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. 2009. * Find Your Why: A Practical Guide for Discovering Purpose for You and Your Team. 2017.   #315
Mencius: keturi daigai, keturi protai-širdys: benevolence, righteousness, propriety, moral wisdom - moral sprouts   #317
Vervaeke  Propositional knowledge - what semantic memory, procedural knowledge how semantic memory,
 perspectival knowledge episodic memory (adverbial qualia "hereness, nowness, togetherness") - whether,
 participatory knowledge (agent and arena relationship - how you and the world fit together - you and the world participate in the thing so that real affordances are shared by you, like by walking) - why - the memory is the sense of self
 Procedural knowledge in knowledge of how to do specific activities and sequences of activities.
John Vervaeke, Blake Richards. Relevance Realization and the Emerging Framework in Cognitive Science#327
body, mind, heart, will   #339
Four Worlds (scopes for God going beyond God)
World of Emanation (Hebrew: אֲצִילוּת, Atzilut): In this level the light of the Ein Sof radiates and is united with its source. Divine Chochmah, the limitless flash of wisdom beyond grasp, predominates.
World of Creation (Hebrew: בְּרִיאָה, Beri'ah): In this level, is the first creation ex nihilo, where the souls and angels have self-awareness, but without form. Divine Binah, the intellectual understanding, predominates.
World of Formation (Hebrew: יְצִירָה, Yetzirah): On this level, creation is related to form. The Divine emotional sefirot of Chesed to Yesod predominate.
World of Action (Hebrew: עֲשִׂיָּה, Assiah): On this level creation is relegated to its physical aspect, the only physical realm and the lowest World, this realm with all its creatures. The Divine Kingship of Malchut predominates, the purpose of Creation.
Wikipedia: Sefirot
Wikipedia: Four Worlds#1108
Is there a point? Answered in the scope of nothing, the point.
What is the point? Answered in the scope of something, the fiber.
How is the point? Answered in the scope of anything, the base space.
Why is the point? Answered in the scope of everything, the total space.
Ken Wilber
interior individual, interior collective, external individual, external collective
Wikipedia: Integral Theory: Four quadrants#387
full-function, part-function, step-function, null-function   #915
Free energy plays the role of the negative log model evidence. The Q distribution acts as if it were the posterior probability.
To calculate the ­free energy, we need three things: data, a ­family of variational distributions, and a generative model (comprising a prior and a likelihood).
Thomas Parr, Giovanni Pezzulo, Karl Friston. Active Inference: The Free Energy Principle in Mind, Brain, and Behavior. 4.2 From Bayesian Inference to Free Energy.   #708
know-how, know-what
Buckminster Fuller. Synergetics. 326.01#457
Flight, Fight, Freeze, Fawn#973
Purushartha (Sanskrit: पुरुषार्थ, IAST: Puruṣārtha) literally means "object(ive) of men". It is a key concept in Hinduism, and refers to the four proper goals or aims of a human life. The four puruṣārthas are
  • Dharma (righteousness, moral values)
  • Artha (prosperity, economic values)
  • Kama (pleasure, love, psychological values)
  • Moksha (liberation, spiritual values, self-realization)
The Dharmaśāstras and the epics Ramayana and Mahabharata are the first known sources that comprehensively present the notion that integrated living entails the pursuit of four goals or ends.   #760
According to the Zohar, a foundational text for kabbalistic thought, Torah study can proceed along four levels of interpretation (exegesis). These four levels are called pardes from their initial letters (PRDS פַּרדֵס‎, 'orchard'):
  • Peshat (Hebrew: פשט lit. 'simple'): the direct interpretations of meaning.
  • Remez (רֶמֶז‎ lit. 'hint[s]'): the allegoric meanings (through allusion).
  • Derash (דְרָשׁ‎ from the Hebrew darash: 'inquire' or 'seek'): midrashic (rabbinic) meanings, often with imaginative comparisons with similar words or verses.
  • Sod (סוֹד, lit. 'secret' or 'mystery'): the inner, esoteric (metaphysical) meanings, expressed in kabbalah.
Wikipedia: Kabbalah#643
John Kekes. Wisdom: Erasmus insisted, for instance, that much of what his learned contemporaries took to be foolishness was in fact wisdom and what they regarded as wisdom was, at best, the accumulation of information.   #766
In Book II, Locke focuses on the ideas of substances and qualities, in which the former are "an unknown support of qualities" and latter have the "power to produce ideas in our mind." Substance is what holds qualities together, while qualities themselves allow us to perceive and identify objects.
Wikipedia: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding#707
Arthur Schopenhauer. Becoming, knowing, being, willing. Wikipedia: On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason#834 1813
Friedrich Nietzsche
He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how.
Twilight of the Idols: Maxims and Arrows   #318
Motive v. Opportunity
The persons who had the opportunity to do the deed did not have the motive as the will favoured them. On the other hand, the people with the motive did not have the opportunity.   #1048
In 1949 Ryle first introduced the notion of thick description in "The Thinking of Thoughts: What is 'Le Penseur' Doing?"[21][22] and "Thinking and Reflecting". According to Ryle, there are two types of descriptions:
  • thin description: surface-level observations of behaviour, e.g. 'His right hand rose to his forehead, palm out, when he was in the vicinity of and facing a certain other human.' thick description: adds context to such behaviour.
  • Explaining this context necessitates an understanding of the motivations people have for their behaviours, as well as how observers in the community understand such behaviour: 'He saluted the General.'
Wikipedia: Gilbert Ryle
"The Thinking of Thoughts: What is 'Le Penseur' Doing?"
"Thinking and Reflecting"
British philosopher Gilbert Ryle distinguished knowing-how and knowing-that Gilbert Ryle. Knowing How and Knowing That: The Presidential Address.#633 1945
Talcott Parsons described societal functions which maintain stable social life.
A: Adaptation: External problems, instrumental functions. Cognitive symbolization. The capacity of society to interact with the environment. This includes, among other things, gathering resources and producing commodities to social redistribution. Natural resources, commodity production.
G: Goal-attainment: External problems, consummatory functions. Expressive symbolization. The capability to set goals for the future and make decisions accordingly. Political resolutions and societal objectives are part of this necessity. Religious systems, media. Political offices, common goals.
I: Integration: Internal problems, consummatory functions. Moral-evaluative symbolization. The harmonization of the entire society is a demand that the values and norms of society are solid and sufficiently convergent. This requires, for example, the religious system to be fairly consistent, and even in a more basic level, a common language. This challenges society to maintain the integrative elements of the integration requirement above. This means institutions like family and school, which mediate belief systems and values between an older generation and its successor. Family, schools.
L: Latency (Pattern Maintenance): Internal problems, instrumental functions. Constitutive symbolization.
Wikipedia: AGIL paradigm#852
Stephen Toulmin
Wikipedia: Stephen Toulmin: Toulmin model of argument
The Uses of Argument   #275
French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan
Lacan sought in his eleventh Seminar to cover what he called "the major Freudian concepts – I have isolated four that seem to come within this category...the first two, the Unconscious and Repetition. The Transference – I hope to approach it next time -...and lastly, the Drive." Praxis thus, which "places the subject in a position of dealing with the real through the symbolic," produces concepts, of which four are offered here: the Unconscious, Repetition, Transference and the Drive.
Wikipedia: The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis.#788
Lt. Columbo: A letter addressed to the Department of Immigration and Nationalization that identifies you as a war criminal. Means, opportunity and motive. It's enough to convict for first degree murder.   #1046
John Kekes
Descriptive knowledge: one knows facts
Interpretive knowledge: one knows the significance of the descriptively known facts.
John Kekes. Wisdom. American Philosophical Quarterly.#767
 Socialization (Tacit to Tacit) – Socialization is a process of sharing knowledge, including observation, imitation, and practice through apprenticeship. Apprentices work with their teachers or mentors to gain knowledge by imitation, observation, and practice. In effect, socialization is about capturing knowledge by physical proximity, wherein direct interaction is a supported method to acquire knowledge.
 Socialization comes from sharing the experience with others. It also can come from direct interactions with customers and from inside your own organization, just by interacting with another section or working group. For example, brainstorming with colleagues. The tacit knowledge is transferred by common activity in the organizations, such as being together and living in the same environment.
 Externalization (Tacit to Explicit) – Externalization is the process of making tacit knowledge explicit, wherein knowledge is crystallized and is thus able to be shared by others, becoming the basis of new knowledge. At this point, personal tacit knowledge becomes useful to others as well, because it is expressed in a form that can be interpreted and understood. Concepts, images, and written documents, for example, can support this kind of interaction.
 Combination (Explicit to Explicit) – Combination involves organizing and integrating knowledge, whereby different types of explicit knowledge are merged (for example, in building prototypes). The creative use of computerized communication networks and large-scale databases can support this mode of knowledge conversion: explicit knowledge is collected from inside or outside the organization and then combined, edited, or processed to form new knowledge. The new explicit knowledge is then disseminated among the members of the organization.
 Internalization (Explicit to Tacit) – Internalization involves the receiving and application of knowledge by an individual, enclosed by learning-by-doing. On the other hand, explicit knowledge becomes part of an individual's knowledge and will be assets for an organization. Internalization is also a process of continuous individual and collective reflection, as well as the ability to see connections and recognize patterns, and the capacity to make sense between fields, ideas, and concepts.
Wikipedia: SECI model of knowledge dimensions
Nonaka, Ikujiro; Takeuchi, Hirotaka (1995), The knowledge creating company: how Japanese companies create the dynamics of innovation.   #635
Means, motive, opportunity.
The Oxford Companion to Crime and Mystery Writing. John M. Reilly. Means, Motive and Opportunity.
Wikipedia: Closed circle of suspects#1047
Unger sees four flaws in the human condition. They are,
our mortality and the facing of imminent death;
our groundlessness in that we are unable to grasp the solution to the enigma of existence, see the beginning or end of time, nor put off the discovery of the meaning of life;
our insatiability in that we always want more, and demand the infinite from the finite;
and our susceptibility to belittlement which places us in a position to constantly confront petty routine forcing us to die many little deaths.
Wikipedia: Roberto Mangabeira Unger
Roberto Mangabeira Unger. The Religion of the Future.#778
Univalence axiom. (A=B)≅(A≅B) Wikipedia: Homotopy type theory: The univalence axiom
nLab: univalence axiom Vladimir Voevodsky. Univalent Foundations Project.#703
Claude Shannon
source, encoding, decoding, destination
going beyond oneself: nothing, something, anything, everything Ben Udell. Source, encoding, decoding, destination#430
Tacit knowledge can be divided according to the terrain. Terrains affect the process of changing tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge. Terrains are of three kinds:
  • Know how to make explicit, how to explicate. Relational tacit knowledge: Relational tacit knowledge could be made explicit, but not made explicit for reasons that touch on deep principles that have to do with either the nature or location of knowledge of the way humans are made. This knowledge refers to things we could describe in principle if someone put effort into describing them.
  • Do not know how to make explicit but do know how to explicate. Somatic tacit knowledge: Somatic tacit knowledge has to do with properties of individuals bodies and brains as physical things. It includes things our bodies can do but we cannot describe how, like riding a bike. In principle it is possible for it to be explicated as the outcome of research done by human scientists.
  • Do not know how to make explicit, do not know how to explicate. Collective tacit knowledge: Collective tacit knowledge is a kind of knowledge that we do not know how to make explicit and that we cannot envisage how to explicate. It is the domain of knowledge that is located in society, such as the rules for language - it has to do with the way society is constituted.
Wikipedia: Tacit knowledge
Harry Collins. Tacit and explicit knowledge   #631

222 catalogued examples and 554 uncatalogued examples waiting in the queue!
See the pipeline for three minds, nullsome, onesome, twosome, threesome, foursome, fivesome, sixsome, sevensome, conceptions, needs, doubts, expectations, values
Theory Translator is curated by AJK=Andrius Kulikauskas. Contact him by gmail: math4wisdom
Thank you to our contributors for suggesting entries!   DAF=Daniel Ari Friedman, LB=Leland Beaumont, MP=Marcus Petz, WP=William Pahl