Theory Translator is powered by Wondrous Wisdom and curated by Andrius Kulikauskas.
View all records  Illustrating 9 conceptual structures with 376 examples.   Add an example!

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Three minds acting on the nullsome, onesome, twosome, threesome, foursome, fivesome, sixsome, sevensome.

Pipeline: values

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Shalom H. Schwartz.
Organized by motivational similarities and dissimilarities: Openness to Change, Self-Transcendence, Conservation, Self-Enhancement.
stimulation, self-direction, universalism, benevolence, conformity-tradition, security, power, achievement, hedonism

Wikipedia: Theory of basic human values

Leland Beaumont. Emotional Competency.
Wikiversity: Clarifying values#936
Maslow describes a metaneed as any need for knowledge, beauty, or creativity. Metaneeds are involved in self-actualization and constitute the highest level of needs, coming into play primarily after the lower level needs have been met. In Maslow's hierarchy, metaneeds are associated with impulses for self-actualization. His list of Metaneeds:
Wholeness (unity) Perfection (balance and harmony) Completion (ending) Justice (fairness) Richness (complexity) Simplicity (essence) Liveliness (spontaneity) Beauty (rightness of form) Goodness (benevolence) Uniqueness (individuality) Playfulness (ease) Truth (reality) Autonomy (self-sufficiency) Meaningfulness (values)
Abraham Maslow. The Farther Reaches of Human Nature.#739
After interviewing 24 courageous and thoughtful men and women of conscience from around the world, author Rush Kidder concluded that eight values are widely, almost universally, accepted.
  • love (compassion)—Caring for others, helping others
  • truthfulness—honesty, keeping your promises, communicating clearly and accurately, veracity, being trustworthy
  • fairness—following the Golden Rule, equality, impartiality
  • freedom—freedom of expression, freedom from oppression, freedom of action when combined with personal responsibility
  • unity—community, inclusiveness, cooperation, valuing our interdependencies
  • tolerance—acknowledging the dignity of all, respecting the rights of others, refusing to hate, being open to other points of view
  • responsibility—care for yourself, care for others, care for the future
  • respect for life—do not kill
Wikversity: Clarifying values
Kidder, Rushworth M. (1994). Shared Values for a Troubled World: Conversations with Men and Women of Conscience.   #937
Christopher Peterson and Katherine Dahlsgaard identified six virtues endorsed across the thinking of many philosophers, religious leaders, statesmen, and other ancient and modern luminaries from around the world.
  • Wisdom and Knowledge: creativity, curiosity, open-mindedness, love of learning, perspective
  • Courage: bravery, persistence, integrity, zest
  • Humanity: love, kindness, social intelligence
  • Justice: teamwork, fairness, leadership
  • Temperance: forgiveness and mercy, humility, prudence, self control
  • Transcendence: appreciation of beauty and excellence, gratitude, hope, humor, spirituality
Wikiversity: Clarifying values#938

222 catalogued examples and 554 uncatalogued examples waiting in the queue!
See the pipeline for three minds, nullsome, onesome, twosome, threesome, foursome, fivesome, sixsome, sevensome, conceptions, needs, doubts, expectations, values
Theory Translator is curated by AJK=Andrius Kulikauskas. Contact him by gmail: math4wisdom
Thank you to our contributors for suggesting entries!   DAF=Daniel Ari Friedman, LB=Leland Beaumont, MP=Marcus Petz, WP=William Pahl